Shitfile is a file hosting framework designed to be simple but have many features.
Files should retain their original file names if possible.
The service should support multiple upload methods.
Files should be uploadable from any device with basic post abilities.
The service should accept requests to host files on remote urls.
The service should offer url links as small as possible.
The service should not require an account.
The service should be able to show you a list of files + links you uploaded.
As a result there are compromises that are made:
Files can be enumerated, what you upload could potentially be downloaded by anyone.
Files are NOT encrypted but are transferred via https.
XSS is going to happen, so ensure nothing important is stored here.
Shitfile was originally called, one of the cheap domains available when I typed "shit" into a domain seller website. The server I hosted had plenty of space available so I made a basic hosting service for private use. At the time, other simple services such as we being taken down and unreliable. was written in php and hosted on a linux machine. When renewal time came up for the domain it became an extortionate price, so I got instead. After major changes in my workflow, I decided to move to a windows machine and re-write the site in a way I could better maintain.
Shitfile is not intended to be permanent hosting, although I will endeavor to keep users files as long as possible. As such, there is no explicit expiry on files but rest assured they will not last forever.
ShitFile uses workarounds to allow downloading from external sites. For this reason I've decided to keep it closed source for now, as I've already had a few sites try to clamp down on these workarounds, sorry.